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Home / 24-7 Medical Assistance Kavos Corfu
Details: Whilst on holiday there are all sorts of medical needs that might occur, whether it is something small like a rash, a sunburn, an insect bite or something more serious like cuts, bruises, fractures or even severe accidents, Med + Lab Royal Medi-Care is a high level medical firm with 2 locations in the Kavos resort, ready 24-7 to provide you with the assistance that you need. All major travel insurances are accepted. If you happen to be reading this page because you need medical assistance, their emergency number is:
(0030) 2662061045
Visit Med + Lab Royal Medi-Care Facebook page for more details and online appointment bookings. Just click the button bellow.
Home / 24-7 Medical Assistance Kavos Corfu
24-7 Medical Assistance | Kavos Corfu
Click "see map" button to view a map with the 2 locations of Med + Lab Royal Medi-Care In the Kavos Resort

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