VIP Booth Reservation.
Event | Trinity 2024.
Artist | Shane Codd.
Date | August 14th, Wednesday, 2024.
Starts: 01:00am.
Finishes: 05:00am.
Event Duration: 4h. Aprox.
Event Venue | Future Superclub.
Location | Kavos Corfu.
VIP Table | Shane Codd | Trinity 2024 | Future Kavos | Wed 14th Aug
Details: Reserve a VIP Booth at the most epic club night on the resort of Kavos, Trinity. Every week a major UK artist performs live and uncut at Future Superclub. Reserve a VIP Booth and avoid spending the rest of the night on your feet. The VIP Booth package comes with FREE entrance for 4 persons PLUS choose a 700ml Bottle of your favorite spirit and mixers.
Extra Details: YOU MUST visit FUTURE SUPERCLUB during DAYTIME to trade your vouchers for an access pass. Everyday between 1pm and 8pm staff await at the club's entrance for you to show and trade your vouchers for an access pass.
Last Minute Bookings: FUTURE SUPERCLUB has a cut-off for online orders at 1pm (Greek Time), meaning if you are thinking of booking today a table for tonight, you must place your order before 1pm.